One oral on‑demand treatment for HAE attacks

The RAPIDe-3 Study is researching an investigational on-demand oral treatment that could help people who have swelling attacks due to hereditary angioedema (HAE).

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See if you may qualify

The RAPIDe-3 Study at a glance

We are currently enrolling individuals between 12–75 years of age who have been diagnosed with HAE type 1 or 2. If you are interested in this study, complete the questionnaire to find out if you can participate.

Learn more about the RAPIDe-3 Study

See If You May Qualify

Step 1 of 3

By answering the following questions, you are not obligated to participate in this clinical research study. At the end of the questionnaire, you will have the opportunity to decide whether or not your answers are saved and/or submitted to a local research site to discuss the study further.

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